AlgaeCat : Biofuels from Algae, Techno-Economic modelling
AlgaeCat was a £1.2M, TSB(1) funded project run by CPI(2) which aimed to develop an innovative, algae-based carbon abatement system for the capture of industrial scale CO2 emissions (see
As part of this study, in a project spanning some 11 months, JCHEM Design developed a complex generic techno-economic model to enable the realistic evaluation of the complete process route for the production of biodiesel or biomass from industrial CO2 sources, based on the use of raceways, but which can also be used to look at the economics of PBR based systems. The model was developed from first principles and can realistically predict algae biomass yields at any location for which solar irradiation data is available, allowing for the variation in irradiation both on a diurnal and seasonal basis.
(1) Technology Strategy Board, now Innovate UK
(2) Centre for Process Innovation, Wilton, Teesside
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